The Deepth


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Barakuda/CMAS-Instructor-N°: 802717 
PADI-Instructor-N°: 258423
Instructor for Handicap Diving
Kindertauchlehrer nach CMAS
Specialty Instructor CMAS: Digitale-UW-Fotografie, EFR/HLW/O2/AED, Gruppenführung, Tieftauchen, Seemannschaft, Bootstauchen, Orientierung, Nachttauchen, Nitrox*, Nitrox Gasblender, Trockentauchen, Ausrüstung und Technik, Scooter, Monkey-/Sidemountdiving
Specialty Instructor PADI: TecRec-Instructor Nitrox Gasblender und Trimix-Gasblender; Nitrox/EAN-Diver; Underwater-Navigation; Icediving; Dry-Suit-Diving; Boatdiving; Driftdiving; Search and Recovery; Nightdiving; Wreckdiving; Digital Underwater Photographer and Videographer; Peak Performance Buoyancy; Project Aware; EFR mit AED und EOP; Multileveldiver; Bergseetauchen/ Altitudediver; Diver Propulsion Vehicle Diver; Underwater Naturalist; Equipment Specialist; Aware Coral Reef Conservation specialist; Deepdiver; Aware Fish Identification; National Geographic Diver
zertifizierte Poseidon-Revisionen